Our SupportersCharly2024-02-14T17:32:48+00:00
Baby Bank Norfolk is extremely grateful to the following companies and organisations for their generous support….
For providing the School Hall free of charge, so we could hold our first big Nearly New Sale. We raised over £900 from the event to help with start up costs and equipment. A huge thank you!
Who generously provided us with much needed storage space for the first 6 months of the project.
For their continued support and assistance with starting Baby Bank Norfolk.
For their ongoing assistance with design of our promotional materials.
For the design and ongoing hosting of our website
Kerry Harrison Photography & Design
For desiging our wonderful logo.
For their support with nappy drives and acting as a donation station for a 2016 donation event.
Greenfields Community Centre
The committee of Greenfields Community Centre kindly let us use the centre as our storage unit and base. They even provided a few months rent free to get up and running. Thank you!
The staff at Scribbles pre-school kindly acted as a Donation station when we were setting up in 2016. Thank you!
The team at Norwich City Council have provided us with such amazing support, advice and guidance during our first year. Helping us to find premises and also providing us with a grant to cover costs.
South Norfolk Council have provided us with fantastic assistance in our first year through, advice, guidance and also financial help to get started with one of their Community “Go For It!” grants.